2020. 12. 28.

Healing Mantra

 Dear Folk,

If you have a clear mind and a strong immune system, you will survive,

You should not allow yourself to be frightened by anything else,

No bomb, no threatening news, no virus, no bacteria,

Switch off your mind with this healing mantra, your mind will be tuned to Health and Peace,

Repeat this mantra any time, anywhere:

I am Happy,

I am Satisfied,

I am Enjoying myself,

I am Grateful,

Thank you,

I love myself,

I am lucky,

I forgive myself.

2020. 12. 10.

Indian head massage anywhere With a big smile

Dear Folk,

If you lack of big space, I am happy to give you an Indian head massage with shoulder massage and back massage, 

You might need only a chair , 

If you feel tired you can be energetized with the Indian head massage, just let me know when and where,



Whatsapp: 0036705351767

Let us arrange an appointment!!!!

Looking forward to meet you! 

2020. 11. 30.

Any mobility problem?

Dear Folk,

I am happy to help anyone with mobility problems

I have been in the Remedial massage profession since 2006.

I am pleased to move joints properly,

Usually people are dreaming about relaxing massage, but sometimes the deep tissue is a requirement.

I am keen on a Mongolian therapy as well, called Shang Shung

With an international First Aid exam, with a European Standard Medical massage Exam, as gone through Naric, it shows NVQ level 3.

Looking forward to give you a hand,

No fun, no dating, I am strictly intended to give a professional massage on Yoga mat, or on a Sofa, or on any surface, which is convenient for you,





2020. 11. 29.

After lock Down, Ready for a preventive treatment?

Dear Folk,

I am pleased to have you,

I am glad to treat you, Thai massage is a passive yoga, 

You do not have to have a pain,

It is a prevention !

MAKE sure you are sharing the info with your neighbours!


Just check in at my e-mail,

or let me know via text or Whatsapp you need an appointment,



Whatsapp: 0036705351767

Let us prepare ourselves for Winter Holiday!

2020. 11. 21.

Healy is the Star

 Dear followers,

I am still happy to promote the magic machine,


From November 21, 2020 through December 7, 2020buy the higher edition and pay only for the lower one!

Purchase any of the following:
• Healy Holistic Health for the price of a Healy Gold
• Healy Holistic Health Plus for the price of a Healy Holistic Health
• Healy Resonance for the price of a Healy Holistic Health Plus
• Upgrade from Healy Gold to Healy Holistic Health Plus at the price of Healy Holistic Health
• Upgrade from Healy Gold to Healy Resonance at the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus
• Upgrade from Healy Holistic Health to Healy Resonance for the price of Healy Holistic Health Plus

All upgrades are automatic – no promotion code is needed.

You will be credited for the PV (Personal Volume) of the product that you originally bought (and paid for); the percentage level of your direct bonus however will be calculated based on the “bigger” product that you received!

Remember, this offer won't last! The number of new devices is limited to 8,000 available for this special offer. Once they're gone, they're gone! (Updates, on the other hand, can be purchased without limit.)

The Healy World Black Friday Weeks event is a great opportunity for you to achieve your goals and help others stay healthy all year long.

Have a successful and healthy life,


2020. 10. 18.

Trained for LPG as well

Dear friends and clients,

I am happy to be available for your convenience,

I used to treat my customers with LPG as well,

I am qualified to treat customers with Thai massage, with Medical Swedish massage,

I am trained for Facials and Body wraps

I am keen on Ayurvedic massage and pleased to teach you for the Mongolian-Tibetan Shang Shung,

Feel free to contact me, 

DBs checked, 



Whatsapp: 0036705351767 

2020. 10. 06.

How do you like my new business card?

 Dear followers,

I am a DBS checked therapist with a Naric proof background,

I am keen on trainings, I have passed Elemis trainings, I have received Ayurvedic Sultane De Saba trainings.

If you feel some pain and you need a pampering treatment, let me know,

I love giving Thai massage and the classical Medical massage as well,

No reason to be moody, if I can treat you with Access Consciousness as well,

There are so many magic techniques and they are available to make yourself free of your bad thoughts, free of your not working believes,

Let us meet,



whatsapp: 0036705351767

2020. 09. 26.

More info about HEALY

 Dear followers,

I bought a magic gadget to my parents,

My mother can practice a release program, 

but the biological program is more effective,

there are several other programs for Sport, for Learning and so much more,

Your ATP production will be 5 times quicker,

your amino acid transfer will be 4 times better,

your protein production will be 70% better than usual.

So feel free to ask questions,




2020. 09. 19.

In addition the massage therapy I am offering my home cleaning service as well

 Dear Followers,

i am DBS checked, as long as you have doubts on my service,

you can make sure I am qualified by Elemis Ltd,

I am serving my customers with Thai massage and Swedish massage, 

I am happy to give you Ayurvedic therapy as well,

If you feel you need a energetic therapy I am keen on Access Consciouness soul and body therapy,

Let me know what time and where I can visit you,

Let us arrange an appointment:



2020. 09. 03.

What can you do for a balanced lifestyle?


Two Energy Powerhouses within Human Cells 

  With in h u m a n cells that make up our bodies, there exist two distinctive powerhouses; 

the glycolysis pathway and the mitochondrial pathway. 

It is very important to utilize both powerhouses in a balanced way. 

Source Amount of En­ergy produced Location Energy Used in Small Nutrients from Foods (Carbohydrates) 

Glycolysis Pathway opposite to  Mitochondrial Pathway 

Nutrients from Foods (Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein + Oxygen and Sunlight) 

Cancer is Caused by an Ineffective Lifestyle Even though we understand the importance of a balanced lifestyle, only a few people can actually practice it in reality. 

Some of you might already have cancer, because your body relied on the glycolysis pathway for a long time which resulted in creating an unbalanced environment within your own body.

Once developed, it takes time to cure cancer entirely. Having cancer shows the results of how you have lived your life so far. There is no need for you to panic, but receive the news as a good opportunity to reexamine your lifestyle. 

Having cancer may mean that you have already lived a productive life packed with experiences. 

You worked extra hard which forced you to use the glycolysis pathway. Some people who died of cancer at a very young age, may have lived a full life unique to that person in return of living an unbalanced lifestyle.

Search for basic food to prepare your own one, never buy a ready to eat food with additional load of chemicals to give extra job for your body to burn more and your body will experience more stress.

More stress causes the unbalanced life.

Let us have a chat about your possibilities:





2020. 08. 27.

 Dear very sensitive creatures,

You are allowed to have help,

You are all entitled to have a soul and body therapy,

We need to touch each other, if you are missing a healing touch, 

Just call me, text me, 


A professional spa therapist,

I was healing myself with a special tool as well,

if you are not trusting the machines,

you can trust the huge aura energy of the person,

if you need more information about the relaxing and uplifting therapy,

Do not be afraid to get in touch with me,


2020. 08. 18.

Heal yourself with HEALY

 Dear followers,

I believe my bioenergy, I love my Reiki,

I am still busy with massage therapy,

and I would like to announce that I fall in love with HEALY.

I never thought I would miss my little gadget.

You can be addicted to TV or to the telephone, maybe to the computer, and these addictions are really serious, but with HEALY, you might be healthier, your immune system would be stronger, it is working as a detox machine.

As small as a matchbox, but as smart as a NASA machine.


If you have more question, feel free to ask anything,

I bought to my family, it is a new family member.


00447435692310 in UK

0036705351767 in Hungary

2020. 07. 14.

Extracts from the friends of a Japan O Do Kai teacher

Dear Readers,

Do you know why we need to be conscious?
Do you know why meditation is recommended?

Because there are certain diseases based on Stress,

if we are worried too much, we create the disease.

Everything should be easy,
Everything must work with EASE.

When daily exposure

to stress creates hypoxia and hypothermia and such an environment

persists, cancer cells may turn up in some body cells.

So my dear clients,

Make sure you are following a great diet perfect to your body,
You are sleeping well
Make sure my sweetest follower you are giving yourself enough time to do anything,
We all need time to plan certain things,

We all need our private time and we have to make sure we are calm and we are able to reach our goals, whatever barriers exist.

Let me know if you want to heal your diseases,
Let me know if you want to have a treatment to calm your body with Reiki, with Access Consciousness or with any special treatment, what I used to do and I am possessing the certificates and qualifications to do.

whatsapp: 0036705351767

2020. 06. 24.


Dear Conscious creatures,

Have you heard if you are in an uplifted mood, every little gift and surprise would find you?
it can be a new business, it can be a new contact or a new idea, but if you are depressed, grumpy and cranky you would create disasters.

My dear friends, I was able to use only my phone for a little while and i was always ready to find nice and uplifting news and happy videos to keep my good vibe.

If you are choosing frightening and destroying thoughts,  your surroundings would be depressed.

Be aware what you are concentrating on.

If you are keen on running a thriving business always be happy and train yourself to be balanced in your mind and in your heart.

Sometimes a long walk is enough to help your thoughts changing.

Always make sure you are concentrating the better solution, you might talk about the Worst, but it is not helpful to create supporting relationship or sparkling ideas.

If you are concentrating on the Best solution, double check yourself you are asking again, is there anything better?

Keep yourself in a light and chill out mood, and your house and your car will contribute to you.
If you are happy, people would be willing to give you easy and light solutions for your life.
If you are smiling in a queue, people would allow you to got to the cashier earlier.

I was so determined I would be able to travel and it came true,
I was pulling the supporting energy from everything and everywhere, just thinking in a very optimist way.

How is it getting better than that?

After any crash or accident you might be disappointed for a while, but make sure you are using the time wisely to create something better and you are not stuck in the moment crying and whining.

So keep yourself hydrated, move a lot, shake your bones, enjoy music, shake off your anger and tension,

I am coming soon with a hands on process,

Thank you so much for your attention,

I am grateful for your comments and any ideas as well,

K8 always optimistically

2020. 05. 25.

If you have any doubt...

Dear Folk,

if you have any idea, if you are planning something.
you can feel fear or doubt,
but be aware you might feel your relatives energy.

We have lots of potency,
if you are afraid of something you might feel your relatives or your neighbors energy.

Our thoughts, our feelings are only energy,

We can share our energy with our business, with our stories, with our joy and with our excitement,
but if you are surrounded by other people and they have a different point of view, you might buy their point of views.

So if you are ready to live your life and if you are aware nobody can stop you, nobody can limit you,
go with that energy.

Be aware, there are lazy ones around you, they need your energy, but they would kick you, or they would yell to you.


Do not worry, they might be able to contribute to your life, because you are strong, you are conscious, you can decide whether you choose to live or work with those creatures, who are stealing your energy, or you can over-manipulate the creatures around you and reverse the energy flow, or you can decide to ask some other energy which is even more than yours.


We are always able to create more,
here is no point to limit yourself with fear and doubt, these feelings can be bought from your parents or from their ancients, because nobody was totally aware they can buy any point of view just because of compassion.

Finally if you feel any pain, any doubt, any fear always ask who is that belong to...

Actually we are walking-talkies, so we are able to receive anything and we are able to give anything,

Would you decide to practice your life with awareness?
Can I help with it?


Would you feel more fun and joy to work and practice with some other point of views?

I am ready to be your extra energy if you could choose it.

Let me know if you have any question,


2020. 05. 22.

Can you believe you are the perfect creature who can be the most powerful one in any situation?

Dear Ladies and Gents,

there are many censored crap,
you need to see and listen to the uncensored information as well.

We have the right to maintain our perfect life,
We have the right to have our freedom and enjoy our independent decisions.
We have the power to run the World without bullshit.

We are the only ones who are able to lead our life without any battle of the Empires.

Any kind of World catastrophe is existing, it has only one reason: the battle of the Empires,

Our Globe is warning us, stop killing each other, stop being envious and stop being violent because of the ownership of Gold and fake Power.

The real power is your soul, your morality.

If you listen to your heart, you will know what is true and what is not, do not believe in threatening news, they are just created by manipulators to steal your energy,

You attention is energy.

Be careful what you are focusing on!!!!


Thank you so much for being honest and being modest,

Let us have our life with ease, joy and glory.

You know there are many techniques to train your brain what to focus on.

The media is training you only because of one reason,
the fake leaders are focusing only on one goal,
they want to threaten everyone and lead everyone without morality and without love.

The fake leaders are bored because they can not have attention, that is why they need to steal your attention,

Do not pay attention on people who are cheating you, who are stealing your money as well and they are going to use it to strengthen the Military System,

We do not need any Military system, if we are aware what we can do as regular folk in any nation,
We are the Power, We are able to live with our Power, we do not need fake power from any leader.

So again there is an example how can a created chaos stop normal thinking,
Never allow anyone to kill your awareness.



There are techniques based on Neuro-science,
I have learned Neurology, I have learned Psychology,

I know people can be influenced, but there are dangerous leaders who do not care what is your decision, they do not care about your freedom, they just want to play their game.

So be very careful with leaders who are the owners of the most dangerous toys.

Be aware, you can be the tool in the game, or you can choose to quit!

Be grateful for your healthy body, do not continue to share respect to the manipulated heath care,

Thank you for being the Power!


2020. 05. 18.

Only focus on boosting your immune system

Dear Folk,

Nothing is more important than your strength.
What is you strength based on?
Based on your healthy food with lots of alkalizing ingredients and lots of Sun,

And obviously do not forget moving your legs, arms, and your neck.

We are always sitting in front of our computer or our phone,

With the basic minerals, vitamins your are saving your life for a long term,

if you can avoid sugar from your drink and from your food, you will be fit as a fiddle.

Would you believe in a 100 year old lady?

She was eating only Soda, which was a great help to neutralize her pH in her blood,
she could survive anything with her determination to focus on her alkalizing food,

Listen to her:


Have fun and joy in your life,

If you need more, 

call me, text me, e-mail me,





2020. 05. 16.

We have to think, why the media says they are our friends

Dear Awaken people,

We have the right to protect ourselves,
We do not need fake mothers
We do not need fake fathers



We need to spread it!!!!

It is more important, than any germs around us!!!

Our healthy body is full of Germs and our body is happy, if our mind and soul is balanced.

You have to be in the light and happy mode, if the government is pushing you and threatening you, you can not be in the light and joyful mode.

Change the track!!!!

2020. 05. 14.

Would you receive everything in your life with ease and joy?

Dear Folk,

We are trained to believe the media is our friend, but it is just only an institute which is washing the minds
Do we need these kind of friends?

Dear sweet creatures, we should be
AWARE we have been cheated by Main Stream Media and Healthcare for several decades,

Do you want to practice with the Devil?
There are more possibilities to have fun and ease in our life,
Can we find the way to create magic instead of connecting the Satan?

We are able to practice to hug each other and give huge smiles to each other and make our life easier and we should avoid the barriers in our private life.
If there are barriers in your private life, you might not able to receive the adorable energy, what is surrounded by us.
Look at a little puppy, watch the babies, they are playing with each other, because their smart mothers let them play,
We should not be separated, we need to Turn our focus on VIVID creatures!


So just laugh on these notes and open your heart toward beauty and joyful businesses.

How is it possible?
I have some tricks,
Would you like to receive it in your car?
Would you be willing to receive it in a park?
Would you wish to receive it at your place?

call me:


We are all friends and we are all living on that lovely Planet, called Earth.
if you have any question:

2020. 05. 11.

I am doing some maintenance work on people`s mind and body

Dear Fellows,

I believe, if something true, we have to know.

How do you know something is true?
It is easy to accept,
it is easy to receive.

So just think it over, what are you listening on the radio, on Tv?
Is it easy to receive the news?
Because they are not true.

Are we in conspiracy if we are searching for facts behind shared news?
Are we labelled not acceptable if we are keen on truth instead of bullshit?

So, just be aware what kind of missing facts are behind the news.

Do you know what happened 5 years ago?
Do you know what happened 10 years ago?
And what about 50 years ago?

There were some news, but they were censored,

We are able to reach the not deleted facts, we are not sure how long we can share and save them, but it is better to save them, because we have to know the facts,

So are you ready to have fun with your awareness?

Always test yourself what is heavy and what is easy for you!!!

If something is heavy you might feel a kind of hate or disgust
it is the same, when we smell the Dog pooh,

So if you know the feeling to see the dog pooh or any patch of vomit, that is the way to show yourself what is heavy and not even acceptable by your body.

If something is easy, it is welcomed by your body as well.
Do you know that feeling?
Just imagine a view or a smell of your favorite dish,
Just imagine a view of your favorite place, or drink,
You will be fully opened and you will be fully relaxed.


are you keen on facts?

and what about the hidden facts, they were missing from the puzzle of the news?


And finally, but not last:

It is me:


just because two of my websites were hacked.

God bless all of you!!!!

2020. 05. 08.

Your mind is magnificent

Dear ladies and gents,

Can you believe your brain can be programmed?
I am sure you know what is the school and what education is about.

If we are training our mind to learn something it is easy to repeat anything and it can be learned by heart.
if you are repeating something 
1000 times you will learn it and you will believe that.

We are always judged,
We are always creating barriers, because we are fixing our point of views, we just learned it

We might not choose something, because we got used to do something.

Would you allow yourself to have more fun and more joy?

You got used to use the repetition of certain phrases,

Can you believe any phrase can be changed?

If we are free to choose anything, to reach anything, we have to give a chance to ourselves.

Would you receive more ease and more light in your life?

If you say something is not possible, you might block yourself,
Just imagine life without blocking yourself, can you ask for something else?

Would you be able to change your decision in any situation?
Would you create the World without judgement?

There are certain steps and methods we can choose.

You might choose coffee one day, you might choose juice in another day,  and  there are more possibilities around you, 
you can choose a smoothie as well,

So what kind of possibilities are there outside to choose?

Can I help you?

Text or call:

2020. 05. 07.


Dear followers,

as we thought,

the big brothers were watching certain activities and certain channels:

they are against the true story tellers:

so feel free to listen to this:


and try to reach this book as soon as possible,


you can download it hopefully in pdf version.

Big hugs,

and huge hope for creating awareness


2020. 05. 06.




The above link must be watched quickly and must be shared quickly,

sorry to say there are leaders to damage us.

Do you believe somebody can put you in a box and somebody can lock you down and lead you as she or he wants?

Do you believe you are a magnificent creation?

Are you willing to change the track?

There are so many new realities,

If you feel yourself light during swimming, during riding a bike, just imagine this feeling in any situation
and you can feel the difference when you find yourself in a strange situation.

So you are able to jump out the box, you should not labelled by anyone.

You are amazing ladies and gentlemen, so feel free to create as nice wishes as possible.

We are allowed to be free,

We are allowed to change our mind,

Would you choose  better and more comfortable circumstances around your body?

Can I show you tricks to delete your fears and your non working false believes?

If you are interested,

Call me
whatsapp me:

2020. 05. 04.

The most productive Month

Dear ones,

Can you enjoy being you?
It is amazing you could see blooming trees around you, 
It is so uplifting to be with the birds and the flowers if you go out.

Have you felt pampered by nature?
Have you hugged a tree?

I am sure you could feel there are happy creatures around you,
Animals are vivid and they are watching their little ones,

Obviously if there is time for them they play, they have a rest, 
Would you allow yourself to be with nature?
You can enjoy the harmony of the breeze and the rain,
you can enjoy sunshine,

What else is possible to live your life as relaxed as possible?
What else or who else could you choose to live with ease and joy?

Always watch your mood as well and be aware how many times you would be able to change your mind and choose something else?

How can you be you?
If you need a little hint just call me and let us meet,



2020. 04. 29.

Would you willing to believe you can change anything?

Dear Follower,

Would you be aware you can heal yourself?
Would you willing to receive, you are a miracle?
Would you be willing to accept you are able to change your mind and change your habit?

If you are angry and if you are living in FEAR,
it crushes you.

If you think on nice and kind memories, your attention will change,
if you are switching your mind to focus on beauty and happy moments nowadays as well, your mind will change.

IF your thoughts are changing, it would able to change your actions,
if your actions are changing, your habits would change,

And just imagine if your habit would change, your health can be changed as well.

There are so many books and audios available to focus on your uplifting thoughts .

If you are interested in some suggestions:

There is a writer called Neville Goddard,

he tries to wake up people,
he tries to open people`s mind.

He is writing about suggestions using the quotes from the Bible,

I am sorry it seems to be a support only for Catholics, but actually it is as supportive to Muslims as anybody else,

I used to practice with Muslim friends as well,

It was so uplifting to have a chat after their praying session,

Everything is changing, if your mind and body is calm,

For non religious people there are so many meditation techniques,

They are extremely good as well,

I used to practice Vipassana, the easiest breathing meditation,

Just give a try,

If you are interested in more details,
Let us have a chat,


Nobody is more important or better, than you.



2020. 04. 24.

We must be awaken, we have no other choice!

Dear followers,

We need to be aware what is going on in our community, ín the leading societies.

Are you able to reach YouTube?

I am sure you are keen on watching Channels and creating your ones.

So search for " The Atlantis Report" channel.

There are awakening news for you,

If you do not prefer to listen David Icke, the real
He is showing you how to find the hidden abusive  commands among the mixed puzzle  news As  Smart & Bright As Possible,

But maybe you do not like his style,

Be more conscious and search for :

The Atlantis Report,

I am Always here for you!

The Access Consciousness therapist


Do not panic!

Do not allow others keep you in fear.

Thank you,


2020. 04. 15.

Wearing masks and gloves

Dear fellows,

Meanwhile I am helping the community,

Especially the busiest one, Tower Hamlet,

I am happy to share new recipes and ideas to have more fun at home,

I have received from my friend how to feed the mass for the sourdough

It takes 8 days to have your own leaven,

How to make the fermented version bread?

Use organic rye if it is possible


Enjoy til we can meet,

You know, I am a qualified thai massage therapist,
I am a Medical massage therapist as well
and above that an An Access consciousness therapist.

Kata is adoring you guys!

I am so grateful for all of your comments,

07435692310 on UK number,


0036705351767 on Whatsapp

2020. 04. 04.

A new chance to choose your consciousness

Dear Folk,

As most of you know we are changing our energy level,
we are changing the energy level of the Globe as well.

Most of the Brazilians are praying and meditating since February every morning at  6 o clock.

They know how to be connected and  they can motivate each other,

Any time if you are sitting on a bus or in the tube,
you have the chance to be aware.
You can visualize any short meditation instead of destructing your peaceful mind with a phone.

If you are lucky and living close to a park, or even luckier you might have a garden, you can practice your meditation with the Sunrise.

It is really good for the mind to be awake before the sunrise and enjoy the peaceful and calm moments without coffee or any other stimulating "tools"

So let us make sure we are going to be determined in our health consciousness.

If you need to harmonize your hormone system as well to strengthen the immune system, there are some really helpful natural sources.

If your immune system is strong and your hormone system is harmonized you can easily concentrate on your mind and soul balance.

See the list below what you need to eat if you want to make sure supporting the progesterone level.
Of course there are differences among women and men, but it is not just based on the level of testosterone and estrogen, it is based on the equalized progesterone level.

Brussels sprouts(any green and fresh ones)
Sweet potato
Brown rice
Teff from Etiopia
Collard greens
Swiss chard
Sea-kelp and Seaweed (the precious Algae)
Oat in boiled water
Kidney beans

if you are still enjoying meat, you might choose Flounder and Grouper

Thank you so much for your attention and I am crossing my fingers for everyone staying as conscious as possible, as aware as possible and of course as healthy as possible.


Whatsapp: 0036705351767

2020. 03. 30.

Helping in the community

Dear fellows,

I am happy to have your connections in the future,

At the moment I am helping in a community,
where certain people are afraid to go out for shopping and they need their medicine as well.

So meanwhile I am active in some other way,

Enjoy some meditation,

I love the healing frequencies,

I am  recommending one of them,


So everyone make sure you  are safe and if you are going out to the public, please wear masks,

We have to protect ourselves and others as well,

Be responsible,




2020. 03. 16.

Healthy life in the parks

Dear followers!

The nature is beautiful,
flowers are inviting us, birds are happy to fly from bushes to the trees,

Let us choose the Happiness mode!

I am glad most of the people are aware, but we do not need to be depressed.

Let us inform people if they are still licking their hand or finger before opening a plastic bag or turn the page on a newspaper,

Let us inform our neighbors to take care of the environment,
if there are food waste on the street, anybody can fall on slippery ketchup and chips or oily salad boxes,

And let us move outside to have fresh air!

It is time to give up smoking,
instead of smoking a joint or other vapes and stuff you can hug a tree or do easy stretching-out in the park or around the river.

Outdoor is always more fun then between the walls!

Your mind would feel different, your body will be happier and after a couple of days and even after a month your whole body can change, your mood will be

Are you ready for uplifting days?
I am wearing mask if you are afraid of me, but my immune system is extremely strong, due to healthy progesterone balanced food and small portion which is not overwhelming for the body.

I am prepared with a hand-wash, wet wipe and my scarf.

Let us reach each other and go for a short stretching out in a group,


2020. 03. 09.

Virus - and Bacteria free treatments

Dear followers,

As long as we cook everything and wash everything, everybody is safe,
I am treating people with hot bamboo, hot stones, and we know the monster viruses are dying above 27C degrees,

So be happy, be healthy, be hydrated,

Let us meet,

I am happy to visit anyone at his or her home,

Using my sanitizer, using my wet wipes,

Let us enjoy the fabulous spring days,


2020. 02. 18.

Passed a new course, called Hot Stone therapy

Dear Followers,

I am delighted to share more techniques to anyone,
I was trained as a Thai massage therapist,
I am still using the combination of Medical Massage techniques and Thai massage tricks,

The really nice thing, any stone can be heated up in Micro-wave with a little water, but make sure you are not burning yourself with the hot bowl,

Your favourite stones can be heated up in a pan as well, just the stones must be covered by water,

I am always using an extra towel to cover the body if the stones would be extremely hot, but they are must be nice warm only because the therapist has to bear the heat,

So nobody should be afraid of Hot Stone massage, they are really relaxing, the warmth are opening the meridian lines, helping to ease the muscle,

I am so grateful for new techniques in therapies,

Whatsapp: 0036705351767

2020. 01. 24.

Approved by Naric since 2012

Dear Folk,

I am delighted to share my document from Naric, of course from an old address,
From February I will be able to reach everyone from Shadwell,

Any kind of problems are welcomed,

Any disease can be treated for a better healing,

Fabulous time can be enjoyed at your home with a treatment from me,


2020. 01. 17.

New year, new plans

Happy followers,

I am glad to share my new plan in the new decade.
I am planning to work with Buddhists, so you can be more informed by me if I am able to share Mindfulness thoughts and links from my Buddhist mates.
They are dealing with Mind therapy and Yoga,
My techniques are stretching, passive yoga and of course the body massage,
Currently I applied for another course at Elemis Academy, so everyone would be treated in a luxurious way,

Really happy days for everyone,

Thank you,


Enterieur of the treatment room