
Healthy life in the parks

Dear followers!

The nature is beautiful,
flowers are inviting us, birds are happy to fly from bushes to the trees,

Let us choose the Happiness mode!

I am glad most of the people are aware, but we do not need to be depressed.

Let us inform people if they are still licking their hand or finger before opening a plastic bag or turn the page on a newspaper,

Let us inform our neighbors to take care of the environment,
if there are food waste on the street, anybody can fall on slippery ketchup and chips or oily salad boxes,

And let us move outside to have fresh air!

It is time to give up smoking,
instead of smoking a joint or other vapes and stuff you can hug a tree or do easy stretching-out in the park or around the river.

Outdoor is always more fun then between the walls!

Your mind would feel different, your body will be happier and after a couple of days and even after a month your whole body can change, your mood will be

Are you ready for uplifting days?
I am wearing mask if you are afraid of me, but my immune system is extremely strong, due to healthy progesterone balanced food and small portion which is not overwhelming for the body.

I am prepared with a hand-wash, wet wipe and my scarf.

Let us reach each other and go for a short stretching out in a group,


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