Body and soul therapy

Dear Folk,

If I am able to treat anyone with a fabulous tool, you will heal in your mind and in the same time my leftover doubts and fears are going away as well.
It is more freedom to anyone who wants to get rid of worries.

We can meet anywhere, we can reach our relaxed mind anywhere,
If you have a chair, it is more than enough.

I have to touch only your sole once, and your palms once, than I am able to heal your subconscious mind on your head,

Feel free to allow yourself time to clear out your fears and doubts...

I am happy to give you Reiki therapy
Indian Head massage
Reflex therapy on feet and palm
In addition to Pregnancy massage and the classical Swedish massage.

I can recommend the Thai massage if you are a bit shy and you want to keep your cosy leisure wear on yourself.



We need to believe we deserve the best, so we need to regulate our sub - conscious mind, we have to tell ourselves we are healthy and we were healthy from the beginning, when we decided to be born on the EARTH.

This life is dealing with challenges, because our soul is still hungry for developing...

There are more chances to open our mind and be aware of our thoughts,
some Bach Flower drops help us to recognize what we are doing, which is not supporting us.

Other techniques, such as Access Consciousness is helping to clear our "bad" wish, we would be more conscious to search for open questions - what else is possible?-to help us to find the best solution if we have a task, or if we have a tiring project...

More help and treatments:





Dear Readers,

I hope you are loyal to yourself and take care of your health as much as possible,

here I can share the first step to prevent Spine problems:

Ways You May Improve or Maintain a Healthy Back:

  • Always stretch before exercise or other strenuous physical activity.
  • Don't slouch when standing or sitting.
  • When standing, keep your weight balanced on your feet. Your back supports weight most easily when curvature is reduced.
  • At home or work, make sure your work surface is at a comfortable height for you.
  • Sit in a chair with good lumbar support and proper position and height for the task. Keep your shoulders back. Switch sitting positions often and periodically walk around the office or gently stretch muscles to relieve tension. A pillow or rolled-up towel placed behind the small of your back can provide some lumbar support. If you must sit for a long period of time, rest your feet on a low stool or a stack of books.
  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes.
  • Sleep on your side to reduce any curve in your spine. Always sleep on a firm surface.
  • Ask for help when transferring an ill or injured family member from a reclining to a sitting position or when moving the patient from a chair to a bed.
  • Don't try to lift objects too heavy for you. Lift with your knees, pull in your stomach muscles, and keep your head down and in line with your straight back. Keep the object close to your body. Do not twist when lifting.
  • Maintain proper nutrition and diet to reduce and prevent excessive weight, especially weight around the waistline that taxes lower back muscles. A diet with sufficient daily intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps to promote new bone growth.
  • If you smoke, quit. Smoking reduces blood flow to the lower spine and causes the spinal discs to degenerate.
Enjoy your day, and ask more help to book a private consultation at

I am sorry sometimes, if I am busy, I am not able to answer the phone,





Healing treatments for an hour and for a half an hour:

For long session:                                           60 pounds

For short session:                                          40 pounds

You are more, than welcome, if you pay cash or via Wise link which is working if we exchange e-mails

Feel free to ask any questions.

I am asking you kindly to pay me after my sessions, so make sure your card is not going to be declined and you prepare yourself for an hour if you need to focus on more than one specific problem...

I used to have bad experiences with several customers,

If you booked your appointment bring your spared money for the treatment.

GOD Bless you all!

Have a fabulous day!!!

From  2016 I am available for Visitors, who are interested in Body-Mind and Spirit therapies!!!

Access consciousness bars treatment on your head...

Head-massage, but you feel a perfect smooth flow on your whole body...

Your channels will be open completely...

Feel free to call:





The therapist must be very gentle and must feel empathy for a person.
Everyone should pay attention to the others.
Try to practise it only once a day, in the beginning.

I gave different massage treatments for the clients in several places, such as: Olympic Lagoon

Hotel Olympic Lagoon Resort**** Ayia Napa
And at other famous hotels in Hungary

Four Seasons Grasham Palace:


and Gellért Hotel:

Gellért Szálló

Have you ever felt that you are a completely changed person after a meditation session or a massage?

I know, everybody needs attention and if we do not have enough attention from our environment we can get exhausted or sick easily.
Every piece of metal or wood has some energy.
Of course we can use the energy of fire and water, but we can't refill our own battery. That is why we argue or quarrel and we think we need more money and a bigger house or a quicker car, that is the cause of the political and economic problems.
We give our best for our children, but we have to work more for a better education.
Anybody could have a good capacity for learning better, for working harder, but in some places people are starving and they can't even walk...
They would be happy to learn and wear nice dresses, but they have no power to do it.
The leaders of the Big Empire decided to keep some countries very poor, under their mastership the fields can be exploited.
Some people could buy wheat for example, but the others have no chance to enjoy the energy given by a handful grain.
Most people can contribute for developing their home, their neighbourhood, but the others have no right officially...

Only few people can refill themselves. 
But everybody can learn how to do it.

Are you ready?

When you are walking in the wood or you are watching a waterfall you can feel the clear energy.
Sometimes we go to the gym or dance if we think we need more exercise.

There are strange feelings in ourselves, we can react to them, but we can't eliminate them.

If we have enough time and we care about ourselves, we can discuss our feelings with our friends.

Save some time for healing!
If we procrastinate our tasks we can also be sick easily. 

The healing treatments can help refill your energy level and with fresh power you can concentrate better on your goals and your projects.

Élőlények között a kommunikáció mellett egy másik fontos elem az érintés.
Ha lehet mondani a gesztusokkal és az érintéssel sokkal többet kifejezünk, mint hangokkal, vagy szavakkal.

A masszázs az érintés egyik fajtája

Létezik mindenkiben egy belső gyermek, aki vágyik az érintésre és valószínű ezért zajlik az energiarablás csoport vagy párkapcsolati szinten, mert egyetlen ember sem meri igazán felvállalni, hogy gyakoribb érintésekkel többre lenne képes.
Tisztában kell lennie mindenkinek, azzal, hogy egy egyszerű kézfogással már energiát ad át.
Ha abba belegondolunk, hogy egy fejmasszázs mennyire feltölt minket, akkor milyen hatalmas energiát kap egy napra a test, ha teljes test masszázs is végezhető rajta.

Többen kétkedve fogadják még, hogy energiaáramlás folyik egy kezelés alatt, de ezt a gyakorlat azzal igazolja, hogy a kedves vendégek jobban érzik magukat, feltöltődnek.
Ha valamelyik kezelő csak a saját bioenergiáját adja természetesen elfárad, de van egy-két ősi módszer, amit használhatunk arra, hogy kezelőként védelmet vegyünk fel ill. más szférából kaphassunk energiát, amit a páciens használhat.
Viták folynak erről is, hogy mennyire tiszta energiát tud "lehozni" egy terapeuta, de tiszta szívvel és jó szándékkal, biztonságot nyújtó meleg kezekkel csak jó eredmény születhet.
Vannak akik annyira ellazulnak, hogy álomszerű képek jelennek meg és úgy érzik nagyon nehezen tudnak visszajönni a hétköznapokba.

Természetesen nem csak az ellazulást segíti a masszázs, hanem a kimozgatással frissülnek az ízületek, a felgyorsult vérkeringéssel az ízületi folyadék is megindul "medrében" és a mirigyek is intenzívebb elválasztásba kezdenek, ezért szokás méregtelenítő kúrához kiegészítő kezelésként alkalmazni a masszázst.
Kifejezetten előnyös petyhüdt izmok erősítésére.
Azaz még a lusta ember is sportos testalkatúvá válhat masszázs hatására.

A maszázs nem varázslat, csak egy öngyógyítást segítő folyamat, így többféle betegségből is segíti a kilábalást.
Gyorsabb a felépülés egy műtét után, ha masszázst alkalmaznak, hamarabb kigyógyulnak a pszichés sérültek is, ha masszázsban részesülhetnek.

Mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom...


Enterieur of the treatment room