many solutions for different issues

Dear Folk, 

You can choose several therapies:

Pregnancy massage
Indian Head massage for headache and neck pain
Swedish massage (classical medical massage)-with mobilisation
Thai massage, equivalent to deep tissue because I am working with body weight
and it is a good stretching

And you can choose a combination:
such as Indian Head massage with Back therapy
Leg treatments
Facial treatments, especially Facelift with the Access Consciousness Therapy
and I Can treat you with Reflex therapy.

Let us arrange a meeting at your convenient home,

You can let me know your symptoms, you can talk about your health challenges.


UK text or call:

Dear Customers,

Look at yourself and explore how many moles you have,
We can see there are some signals on our skin.
I used to read the books of Ruediger Dahlke, who mentioned humans can save themselves.
If they have some pain or disease in their body they can heal themselves, but nothing can heal without scar.

May I share some information about his teaching?

If you have digestion problems your skin, your teeth shows as well.

With massage every kind of organ can be treated.
Among the massages Thai massage is concentrating on a holistic healing.
With wooden stick we can stimulate reflex points on the palm, on the sole as well.

Let us discuss your point of view,
Feel free to write me about every kind of health problems.

Have a lovely day,



(text, call)

Everyone can be interested in the benefits of Thai reflex massage.
We have reflex points on our face, on our hands and on our feet as well.

If you want to explore more points on your body, I am sharing some more pictures with you:

I am  sure you would love to have a treatment, if you have aching shoulders and you want to have healthy spine.

Special offers for you if you are able to book via mail.

We can discuss more details

The normal price would be 1 pounds for 1 minute.

I would give you 10 per cent discount for an hour.

I am available if your booking is in 24 hours before the treatment.

074 35 69 23 10

Have you ever heard that chairs are our enemies?
People always sit on a chair in their office, they usually drive a car sitting, they often sit on a sofa in front of the television.

But, what happens to their lower back?

Some people feel pain in their hip or in their muscles around the spine, they regularly do only these intensive movements....

-Sitting on a chair and getting out of it
-Sitting in the car and getting out of it
-Sitting on a toilette and reading the news...

Would you like to change this habit?
Maybe you wouldn't.

But you can have really good treatments against the pain.
You can avoid spine problems if you choose massage, or special exercises.

Are you interested in how the Tibetan movements work?

There exist 5 famous movements to open your Body and Mind for the Energy of the Universe.

But there is something else...
Go forward to the Tibetan page, please...

If you are afraid of the massage, try to do self hand massage and as a first step wait for a few minutes with closed eyes and concentrate on your feelings.

Watch that video and you can imitate the movements, but if you need a professional massage, let me know...

(I can show you some other tricks. (-:)




txt, calls: 07435692310

Kellemes kezelések a Thai masszázson belül:
Arc és kéz vonalainak megmasszírozása minden korosztálynak nagyon kíméletes:

Könnyebben felfedezheti mindenki saját magán is zónákat az arcon, amit érdemes kezelni.

Kedves ismerőseim közül oly sokan kedvelik a keleti mozgáskultúrát, meg a keleti ízeket, sőt a keleti bölcseket.A sok közül álljon itt egy link, ahol ti is megtaláljátok a tanítóitokat, sőt gyakorolhattok is:

Sok helyen kihirdetik az egynapos vagy hétvégén elsajátítható kurzusokat, hogyan legyünk mesteri módon moxával gyógyítók, vagy reflexmasszőr, netán gyógymasszőz.

Tudom, mindenki szereti, ha foglalkoznak vele, szerencsére van még mindenkiben egy kis érzékenység talán nemcsak magával kapcsolatban, hanem másokra vonatkoztatva is. Ne csak a kényeztetést várjuk, hanem nyújtózkodjunk, hajolgassunk,  gyűjtsünk energiát mi magunk.

Mindenkire ráfér egy kis testmozgás! 

Enterieur of the treatment room