How can we work together on psychosomatic problems?

Dear living creatures with lots of questions,

Can we work on your questions?

How can it be better if you are suffering from different disease, different stress related tasks?

I used to ask people to share their questions and comments on social media:


So if you allow yourself some time to have an Access Bar treatment,
let me know,

There are so many advantages of using the techniques:Stress reduction/clearing mind chatter

• Gifting your body more ease and joy

• Receive a LOT more and do a little less

• Sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy

• For ADD and ADHD

• For children before tests

• For pregnant women

• For deep relaxation

• Dissipate some of the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic blockages

that are keeping you stock

• Is your life not quite what you would like it to be? Do you desire more?

The solution is at your side, 

I am available on these contacts:


IN UK: 07435692310

Welcome Happy Open Mind People,

I used to treat Lesbian, Gays, Bisexuals, Transvestites with Access Consciousness Bar treatments.

There is no different between black and white.

Every color is wonderful, as you see I choose a basic grey, but I used to say Grey is boring, not at all...

We can not give any label to any color, nothing is ugly, nothing is wonderful.
We just choose anything with a feeling,

I know I would choose Pink or something very bright if I could live with my old point of view.

Everything is interesting, everything is giving you an option.

Let us try to find the best solution for yourself.

Allow yourself to release your limitation...

Would you like to receive everything with ease and joy?

Let us arrange an appointment:



IN UK: 07435692310

Dear Customers,

I used to work in hotels, salons, in Buddhist community.
I used to practice on foreigners and Hungarians as well.

I realized there is no difference among Mongolians, Americans, Germans, Scandinavians.

Everyone needs support.

If you have back pain, or headache you can try different methods and different services, but originally your heart needs some acceptance.
If you read the books from doctors who can admit they feel something else when they need treatment, they can realize the body needs support because of lock of energy.
The energy is attention, you give some time for somebody else, but maybe you need some time and attention.

We have feelings, if we are angry or anxious we need some attention, we might feel some fear, but there is a healing therapy with ancient healers:

You have to believe yourself as a Miracle, you have to believe you are perfect,
You have to pamper yourself as a little kid, with lots of love and attention,
Do not rush,
Do not blame yourself,
Your body is as perfect as your mind,
If you feel you need to change your habit, you can change your body,
If you are kind to yourself and you give yourself 10 second choice to change your mind any time, you can feel strong any time, you can trust yourself any time,

You can try this game any time, just make sure your decision is not fixed,

You can put questions to yourself any time, whether you were conscious and kind with your body?

People live with phobia or pain, just because they could not save their problem in the aspect of the soul.

The massage gives you attention, you can relax and watch yourself.

If you give yourself some time you can get over a lot of anger and craving.

Try to give yourself attention:



IN UK 07435692310

Happy to have a chat as well

Kedves Olvasó,

Nyilván sok terapeutával találkoztál, valószínű, hogy te is találkoztál Agykontrollal, Theta gyógyító hullámokkal, kineziológiával, sőt még fitness bajnokokkal is, de vajon érzel hitet magadban, hogy önmagad legyél és önmagad legyél képes olyat adni az embereknek, ami neked is jó és nekik is jó, sőt még hosszú távon is képes leszel ezt csinálni...

Nem kell most azonnal megválaszolni mindezt, ha csak eldöntötted, hogy képes leszel mindent energiaszinten figyelni, akkor én ehhez tudok segítséget adni...

Access Bar Practitioner,
a tudatosságod  kezelője


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