
More info about HEALY

 Dear followers,

I bought a magic gadget to my parents,

My mother can practice a release program, 

but the biological program is more effective,

there are several other programs for Sport, for Learning and so much more,

Your ATP production will be 5 times quicker,

your amino acid transfer will be 4 times better,

your protein production will be 70% better than usual.

So feel free to ask questions,





In addition the massage therapy I am offering my home cleaning service as well

 Dear Followers,

i am DBS checked, as long as you have doubts on my service,

you can make sure I am qualified by Elemis Ltd,

I am serving my customers with Thai massage and Swedish massage, 

I am happy to give you Ayurvedic therapy as well,

If you feel you need a energetic therapy I am keen on Access Consciouness soul and body therapy,

Let me know what time and where I can visit you,

Let us arrange an appointment:




What can you do for a balanced lifestyle?


Two Energy Powerhouses within Human Cells 

  With in h u m a n cells that make up our bodies, there exist two distinctive powerhouses; 

the glycolysis pathway and the mitochondrial pathway. 

It is very important to utilize both powerhouses in a balanced way. 

Source Amount of En­ergy produced Location Energy Used in Small Nutrients from Foods (Carbohydrates) 

Glycolysis Pathway opposite to  Mitochondrial Pathway 

Nutrients from Foods (Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein + Oxygen and Sunlight) 

Cancer is Caused by an Ineffective Lifestyle Even though we understand the importance of a balanced lifestyle, only a few people can actually practice it in reality. 

Some of you might already have cancer, because your body relied on the glycolysis pathway for a long time which resulted in creating an unbalanced environment within your own body.

Once developed, it takes time to cure cancer entirely. Having cancer shows the results of how you have lived your life so far. There is no need for you to panic, but receive the news as a good opportunity to reexamine your lifestyle. 

Having cancer may mean that you have already lived a productive life packed with experiences. 

You worked extra hard which forced you to use the glycolysis pathway. Some people who died of cancer at a very young age, may have lived a full life unique to that person in return of living an unbalanced lifestyle.

Search for basic food to prepare your own one, never buy a ready to eat food with additional load of chemicals to give extra job for your body to burn more and your body will experience more stress.

More stress causes the unbalanced life.

Let us have a chat about your possibilities:





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