2023. 12. 25.

New year and new treatments

 Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to do more facials, more reflex points on face.

The beauty is really important.

I am sure everyone is looking after herself or himself after toxical days.

Everything is wrapped in plastic or aluminium.

Think about what you buy in a can, or in a plastic bottle.

Detoxify yourself with salty water bath, 

Enjoy lots of ginger, lemon, turmeric and Apple Cider Vinegar!

If your digestion is not proper you can have sepsis.

After lack of sleeping the digestion is getting slow, 

more toxic stuff can come out from guts and it will spread in the blood.

Try to avoid it, sleep well and look after your diet.

Happy festive days!

God Ferie!

Buone Feste!

Buenos festivales!

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