2019. 12. 31.

Happy Clean, Vegan New Year

Dear followers,

If you try to eat clean and try to avoid toxic stuff from your food, your mind will be clean.
If your mind is clean, you are not going to cry for smoke,
You would not miss alcohol.

If you are interested in a pure life without addictions, let me know.

I used to treat people with Reiki, Access Consciousness, but there is always a secret, you need to be balanced and your treatment will be perfect.

I do have several good feed-backs from different spas.

That is the proof, you may use different technique, but your energy must be clean.

If you have clean energy, you can heal your your family members and friends.

So I am just persuading people to choose a cleaner diet, if they keep their diet, their life will change, they will be happier.

If you are not happy and if your friends are suffering from joint disease or Diabetes, just think about a perfect diet, everyone can find his or her cleaner way to eat and drink.

Healthy life is a Happy life.

Keep yourself hydrated.

Drink water with different fruits and herbals instead of alcohol...

Happy Joyful New Year!!!

2019. 12. 06.

During treatment open questions for you to change your body structure

My dearest followers,

I usually concentrate on my customers` wish.
If they have pain anywhere in their body I am asking them a question,
Sometimes they are astonished and they are asking me back, how could I feel the question is opening their mind and the question will could make others to worry as well.

But there is nothing to worry, just think over the question, allow the question to open you deepest hidden wish,

You might wish to split your partner, because you are fed up with her or his habits and you can not stand anymore.

The question is:

How can I change my body and what can I give to my body to give itself more space and less suffering,
How would I be able to find more joy which is able to ease my mind and make my muscles relax?

 There are other ideas as well:

Ms O`Hara is really helpful with her ideas and with her questions as well:


Enjoy a treatment any time,

Try to reach me on whatsapp:
or on my phone:
or via e-mail:

Let us discuss what is your deepest fear what you would like to get rid off?

I am happy to see you at you place,

Your home can be more enjoyable if you allow yourself to relax.

Enterieur of the treatment room