2013. 02. 26.

Creating new thoughts

Dear Remaining Friends and Customers,

I am focusing on the new resources of living.
Some of my friends from Brazil suggested to use Solar Energy even on the British Houses.
It sounds a bit strange to use alternative energy like that, when most of the time is humid and cloudy and we can`t even have fresh air because of the Smog

Try the Power of the Wind!

My Hungarian friend has a prototype windmill made by himself and it is working very well,

Good Luck for Everyone!

2013. 02. 12.

Among human beings

Dear Customers,

Be aware to talk with any narcissistic person,
I have received a really nice esssay about psychopaths, my friend shared me the obvious criteria what we need to focus on if we meet strangers.

I am sharing the video as well, what I could receive, share with everyone:


We need to take care of our friends as well,

Have a lovely "Chinese New Year"!

Enterieur of the treatment room