2024. 06. 01.

Trusted Asian Herbs


There are some beneficial herbs and essential for our kidney.

We are overusing our body, some people are runnig too much, or certain ones are dancing too much, 

most of the joint problems and tiredness is connected to kidney.

Treat your kidney, hydrate yourself and take the proper supplements for your body.

There are a few ones, 

Angelicae and Rehnmanniae are really useful ones,

Do your research as well and try the herbs instead of pills:

Let me know if you are interested in Swedish or Thai therapies as well, 

We can arrange our appoitment via e-mail with your detailed health condition,

Have a fabulous Sunday,


p.s: the picture shows Chaenomelis

2024. 05. 14.

Every Day Practice

 Dear Ones,

This exercise is more than useful for Chiropractors as well,

Just imagine if sport people do that, we have to do it, who are travelling and working so hard.

Let us allow ourselves for few minutes every day and do some neck exercises together, 

Let me know if you want to practise with a Guidance,


2024. 02. 10.

Happy Asian New Year!

 Dear ones, 

There are so many good Asian healing products, such as Goji berries, 

Make sure you are consuming a lot of them.

Better than the Vitamin C itself.

Another thing, keep yourself fit and young in an easy way,

Try to follow these exercises:

Have fun with Dr Alekseev *Alekseyev as pronounced*


Any more details we can discuss together,

Happy Weekend, 


2023. 12. 25.

New year and new treatments

 Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I am pleased to do more facials, more reflex points on face.

The beauty is really important.

I am sure everyone is looking after herself or himself after toxical days.

Everything is wrapped in plastic or aluminium.

Think about what you buy in a can, or in a plastic bottle.

Detoxify yourself with salty water bath, 

Enjoy lots of ginger, lemon, turmeric and Apple Cider Vinegar!

If your digestion is not proper you can have sepsis.

After lack of sleeping the digestion is getting slow, 

more toxic stuff can come out from guts and it will spread in the blood.

Try to avoid it, sleep well and look after your diet.

Happy festive days!

God Ferie!

Buone Feste!

Buenos festivales!

2023. 11. 20.

Homeopathy is a great help for muscles and ligaments

 Dear visitors,

If you had a serious accident or a surgery, the recovery is quicker with Homeopathy.

Most of the champions are taking homeopathy pills, because they do not want to have any side effects.

You could have some bad memories or fear from something after injuries and the magic sugar pills will help you.

So, do your own research, because you can understand your body, you know what you feel.

 Be brave to find out which homeopathy remedy will give you the solution.

Trust your senses.

I am treating somebody after a serious accident, and the symptoms are disappearing after surgery and exhausting physiotherapy.

Happy days with homeopathy remedies!

Let me know if we can arrange some appointments,



2023. 10. 30.

Treating Adhd and Asd

 Dear Londoners,

I am surrounded by menthal health people.

My colleagues are dealing with lots of mental health problems, it is not a shame.

We have to have somebody who we can trust.

It can be anyone, your neighbour, your teacher or a nice manager.

Be careful with the addictive people, they are on drugs, on alcohol, and they consume lots of sugar.

Yes, carbohydrate is working as a drog.

Obviously we can consume high fibre black or brown rice or oat, they keep you running for a longer term, than a piece of fruit, or a soft bagel.

I am happy to share my reflex therapy on face, hands and feet.

Feel free to contact me,



2023. 10. 22.

If you feel lonely or just want to share your emotion, the therapy can help

 Dear followers, 

We all know our body shows psychosomatic symptoms,

We can not be aware all of them, but if we have more sorrow, our joints will be damaged,

If we have more anger, our muscles will be in spasm.

So let us arrange an appointment and make the magic.

The body can be released.

You will feel yourself so much lighter...

Be bold to call me for a Thai massage or a nice face massage to relax your mind .



Enterieur of the treatment room